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Checklista för hemstädning av hus, lägenheter och villor som ni kan önska till era lokalvårdare

Viktigt att ni som städar att ni alltid har två lager av torra IKEA-handdukar under städprodukterna eller hinken.   

Kök – Vi startar med köket  

  • Plockar disk och lägger disken i diskmaskinen eller diskar. 
  • Torkning av all kakel ovanför diskbänken
  • Torkning av alla köksluckor utvändigt (och invändigt viss vi har mer tid)
  • Rengöring av diskbänk 
  • Torkning av vitvaror, spishällar, ugnar,  brödrost och andra köksapparater 
  • Rengöring av diskhon och kranar
  • Tömning av soppor och torkning av utrymmet under diskbänken
  • Dammsugning och våttorkning av golv
  • Dammtorkning/våttorkar alla öppna ytor
  • Dammtorkning av golvlister
  • Borttagning av fläckar från dörr och handtagen  

  • Dammtorkning/våttorkning av alla öppna
  • Dammsugning och våttorkning av golv, mattor samt under små mattor
  • Dammtorkning av golvlister och socklar
  • Dammtorkning av tavellister, lampor och speglar
  • Tömning av soppor 
  • Borttagning av fläckar från dörr och handtagen




  • Samla smutstvätt
  • Bädda sängen (Byte av sängkläder om vi har mer tid)
  • Lägga allt på plats som inte står på rätt ställe ( Leksaker, tofflor, väskor, hårtårk osv…)
  • Dammtorkning/våttorkning av alla öppna ytor
  • Dammsugning och våttorkning av golv 
  • Dammtorkning av golvlister, socklar och lampor
  • Tömning av soppor 
  • Borttagning av fläckar från dörr och handtagen

  • Badrum – Sist
  • Torkning av allt kakel
  • Rengöring av handfat
  • Torkning av toalettstolen
  • Duschkabin och badkar
  • Dammsugning och våttorkning av golv
  • Torkar av speglar utvändigt samt invändigt
  • Dammtorkar & våttorkar alla öppna ytor.
  • Tömning av soppor
  • Borttagning av fläckar från dörr och handtagen

Vi utför extra tjänster som barnpassning, fönsterputs, djupstädning, inne i ugnen/frysen och kylskåpet med. Andra extratjänster är att hämta eller lämna barnen på dagis/skola & matlagning.

Checklist for Home Cleaning ENGLISH VERSION:

Malmö Maids and Home Services AB offer regular cleaning on fixed times and days. With us, you can sign cleaning for every week , every two weeks or depends on what you desired, with almost the same maid coming every time.

The Home/Villa Cleaning includes:

IMPORTANT (for maids): Put a towel underneath the bucket for us not to damage any furnitures specially the floor.


  • Vacuuming of floors, carpets and upholstered furniture.
  • Dust dry all ornaments, shelves, paintings and others.
  • Wiping/Dusting window sills, doors, panels, frames, mirror, TV, Stereo, Bed Frames, Free surfaces and surfaces high up for example the top of cabinets and wardrobes.
  • Shaking of small carpets (If available)
  • Emptying of trash baskets
  • Mopping of floor
  • Dusting the sofa inside and out


  • Shaking of small carpets (if available)
  • Vacuuming of floors and upholstered furniture.
  • Wipe away stains on outside kitchen cabinets, tables, chairs and window sills
  • Clean inside and outside of the microwave
  • Emptying of trash baskets
  • Cleaning the sink and the faucet
  • Cleaning the stove and wipe all outside
  • Mopping of floor
  • Dust dry all furniture and wipe the doors.
  • Dusting all the surfaces


  • Cleaning bath, shower, and toilet
  • Wiping of bathroom doors, panels, window sills, mirrors, tiles/walls, cabinet outside, and all the surfaces
  • Cleaning of the sink and faucet
  • Vacuum/Mopping/Cleaning of floor
  • Shaking of small rugs
  • Emptying Trash baskets
  • Dusting the washing machine/dryer
  • Cleaning the tiles on the bathroom walls
  • Cleaning the shower cover (the plastic door cover in the shower)


  • We can only use “SÅPA” or “DISHWASHING LIQUID to clean a marble furniture/kitchen/bathroom, the soap should be really little, the microfiber that we will use should be soft and make sure that we will dry it fast. Everything other than that can damage a marble furniture/kitchen/bathroom even water can damage it and gives stains/scratch. This is really important, NO OTHER cleaning products than the “SÅPA” and DISHWASHING LIQUID.

This is not included in basic cleaning:

  • We do not pull out big furniture and clean behind
  • We do not lift big carpets and clean them
  • We do not move on little things that lie on top of a cupboard or under a bed to access without cleaning on the surfaces that are unpacked
  • We do not clean big, high and outside windows


We gladly do what is not included in the basic cleaning, please let us know what you want and we will happy to discuss. 
Our cleaners can do everything, but bear in mind that it may require additional time.
For more information, please contact our customer service (put the link of beställ order here and our number)


Here are examples of ADDITIONAL SERVICES performed as desired. Additional time may be added but with NO ADDITIONACOST! 198kr/hr after RUT we do everything as you wish.


  • Putting clothes in the washing machine
  • Ironing and folding laundry
  • Bed Life (Changing bed sheets, pillow covers and duvet covers)
  • Clean Fireplace (Note: Should be 24hrs unused before cleaning)
  • Window Cleaning 
  • Sort, fold and organize clothes in the wardrobes
  • Gardening
  • Party help/ Waitering
  • Shop for food


  • Cleaning the fridge
  • Cleaning the heavy-duty oven
  • Cleaning inside cabinets
  • Cleaning dishwasher, washing dishes and putting dishes on place
  • Others, based on what you desired


  • Inside cabinets and hatches
  • Others, based on what you desired

     Malmö Maids and Home Services is not just a cleaning company. From the name itself, we provide all the services that you need at home. Hire a maid from us and decide the services as you wish. Our staffs can do so much more that you get an organized and well-managed household where all everyday chores are handled without any worries.

     Communication is the key to meet your expectations. Therefore, we recommend that you speak directly with your maid/house manager as soon as you have some questions or requests. We will personally contact you as well every week to follow up on our work.